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Gabrielle and Frank

April 19th, 2016

"It was the most valuable wine bottle I will ever find -a 2016 "G & F, Will You Marry Me?"

Gabrielle & Frank, The Romantic Winery Story


Growing up, Gabrielle and Frank had the same friends and went to the same parties. On countless occasions they were at the same place at the same time, for the same reasons. It was as if fate wanted them to be together, because it was doing everything it could to make the two meet. But despite so many opportunities, Frank remained nothing more than a stranger to Gabrielle.

Well… fate didn't plan on giving up on them.

It was the start of a new semester at St. John's University in January of 2009. Gabrielle, a student there, signed up for a philosophy class. Frank, also coincidentally a student there,also signed up for a philosophy class. Ah, fate. In that class was also a friend that both Gabrielle and Frank shared. Finally, thanks to their friend Ciara after all this time and missed chances, Gabrielle and Frank met.

Having developed a friendship over the course of the semester, Gabrielle found herself feeling an attraction towards the good looking and very funny Frank. It was clear that the feeling was mutual -so much so that Frank asked Ciara if Gabrielle would be interested in him. Well, Frank (and fate) were elated to find that the answer was yes.

Gabrielle and Frank went on their first date in March of that year. On April 1st, the stranger at all of the parties Gabrielle went to growing up became her boyfriend.

Seven years later, Gabrielle and Frank spent a beautiful April day at Laurita Winery

The Perfect Proposal, from Gabrielle…

"We decided to spend the day at Laurita Winery in New Jersey to celebrate our seven year anniversary. It's a beautiful winery that is "a sustainable alternative, linked to the local area through tradition, culture and respect for its natural resources." It's estate grown wines are "nature's purest expression of vineyard, varietal and vintage, reflecting old world traditions and the vision of wine's place at the table as a complement to food" (

I mean, I knew we had been together for a while and that a proposal was coming, but I really didn't think anything special would happen on this day. We'd been to Laurita Winery before, so when we planned it, I thought it was simply a fun way to spend a day on the weekend for us… I didn't know it would change my life!


It had been raining the entire day, but thankfully at one point the rain stopped and made way for the sun to come out and make the day really beautiful. As soon as it did, we went outside to enjoy it. We were sitting at a picnic table overlooking the vineyard with a glass of wine when Frank realized he "forgot his phone in the car." I thought it was a little strange that after the entire day, he just then realized he didn't have his phone. Regardless, I didn't think anything of the odd occurrence and sipped my wine and admired the view.

A few minutes later, Frank came back with a wine bottle in his hand. He said he bought us one to share. He set it down at the table in front of me, and when I looked at it, I realized I was looking at the most valuable wine bottle I will ever find.

At the center of the bottle was a gold heart with the initials G and F imprinted on it. At the bottom, the most important question I would ever have to answer was engraved: "Will you marry me?"

I turned to find him down on knee.


It was just a totally amazing moment that I can't describe. I was so shocked and in disbelief that this was actually happening that I kept saying "Stop it!" and "No!" With him on the floor, engagement ring in his hand, I held his arms and his chest and became overwhelmed with happiness. Of course I would marry the love of my life.


I got up to hug him, so incredibly happy that this man just asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. He then asked me if I wanted to put the ring on. When he slid it onto my finger I was left in awe at the round diamond in a petite crescent TACORI halo setting. I still can't find the words to describe how beautiful it is.


I was so lucky that Frank thought of hiring a photographer to remain incognito until the moment it all happened, because as soon as he appeared with the bottle, she made sure to capture every second for us to keep as memories. Now I can relive that perfect moment whenever I want.

After that we were both so emotional that we didn't know what to do with ourselves! It's so funny, because now I know that once you're in that moment, it's almost as if you don't know how to react and continue your life after having experienced such a happy and life-changing few seconds! In those few moments, my life completely changed.

Fate did all it could to make Frank and I meet. It took forever for it to finally happen, but I'm so glad it did. I found the love of my life in him. Now my heart is so happy that I get to spend forever beside him.
